Welcome to Tangermuende
Tangermuende is the small town on the Elbe in the Altmark, the northernmost region of the state of Saxony-Anhalt. Tangermuende can look back on almost 1000 years of history. Brick buildings, an almost closed, sometimes massive city wall with fortified gates, the castle complex and the multitude of half-timbered houses give the city a unique charm. But not only the stone witnesses of the past make the charm of the city. The diverse cultural and gastronomic offer, often in a historic ambience, make the visit in Tangermuende a special experience. Those who want to get to know the surrounding countryside and the beauties of nature next to the city will find this opportunity on a walking tour or a bike ride through the Elbtalauen, a unique spacious and heavily influenced by the flood rhythm the large landscape, the habitat of many plant.